OMHRA’s goal is to keep our members current, be aware of trends and upcoming changes, respond proactively and understand all points of view, and exchange information pertaining to the field of Human Resources in a timely manner.
Networking is our strength and we do it on many levels:
- OMHRA presents two provincial events each year; our Spring Workshop in April and our Fall Conference in September. Members have the opportunity to join with colleagues from across the province to learn more about what is happening in the world of employment and other areas such as communications, security, bargaining and contingency planning. OMHRA also holds two timely one-day workshops which address emerging issues of the day.
- Members are notified of recent collective agreement settlements and arbitration results.
- Our newsletter, HR Navigator, is produced monthly. HR Navigator is sent out to all members, sponsors and retirees electronically and features timely articles.
- Members have the ability to network with other Human Resources Professionals in Local Government through our LinkedIn account.
- OMHRA has developed a Labour Relations Information System that is second to none! It includes recent Collective Agreements and Settlements in a database that is searchable. Members are able to review all aspects of their comparator groups and prepare reports accordingly. Established bargaining guidelines are provided each year to assist all local government employers in their collective bargaining.
- We keep members up to date on the development of position papers and submissions to the Provincial Government on matters of local government interest.
- A membership listing is available on the website for contact information (listing includes names, addresses, phone number, fax number and email address).