Membership Has Its Privileges

As an OMHRA Member, you will have access to a full suite of resources, programs and events designed to keep you apprised of developments and trends in human resources management. Advance your profession and your career with OMHRA.

  • Attend our events at a discounted price. Our Spring Workshop, Fall Conference, One-Day Symposiums and webinars provide professional development, knowledge, practical tools and networking opportunities to OMHRA members and affiliates who wish to advance their careers by attending high-quality, sector-specific courses and workshops.

  • Meet your professional obligations. Our educational events are designed to help you address continuing professional development obligations associated with your professional status.
  • Network with your peers. Share your ideas and insights with Municipal Human Resource professionals from every region of Ontario and learn from their experiences.
  • Have your voice heard as part of OMHRA’s advocacy efforts. Support OMHRA’s Advocacy and Member Services Committee’s efforts to provide decision makers with fact-based information about the practice of human resources in the municipal context.
  • Access our collective agreement database. Receive updates on recent collective agreement settlements and arbitration results through our exclusive Labour Relations Information System (LRIS) Database as well as annual reports on bargaining guidelines.
  • Share timely information. Post jobs on our website and social media platforms and request surveys at a discounted member rate.
  • Be “in-the-know.” Stay up-to-date on sector trends and developments through OMHRA’s monthly newsletter, HR Navigator. 
  • Promote and advance the Human Resources profession. Volunteer for one of OMHRA’s Working Groups or Committees or Join our Board of Directors. Share your expertise as a speaker at one of our events or as a contributor to our newsletter.

Select a Membership
According to the OMHRA Constitution, each organization must have one Primary Member who acts as its voting member.
There is no limit on the number of Additional Members for an organization.

OMHRA Municipal

Starting at

$358.75 + HST

Retired Members

$100 + HST

Happiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue.

Member Services

  • Job Board – Our Job posting service posts your job on the OMHRA Job Board and distributes it to over 500 members and posts it on LinkedIn.

  • Labour Relations Information System (LRIS) Database – Search, compare and produce reports on specific agreement items, such as salary and benefit information, within a specific organization, or between multiple organizations.

  • Networking Events – Networking is our strength. Our members are aware of trends and upcoming changes, are able to respond proactively, understanding all points of view, and benefit from exchanging information with other human resource professionals across the province.

  • Policy Database – Through our Labour Relations Information System (LRIS) you have exclusive access to both union and non-union information.

  • Knowledge Exchange – We share information and best practices through thought leadership articles, webinars and symposiums
